Церемония передачи оборудования сооружение пункта долговременного хранения реакторных отсеков АПЛ, утилизированных на Дальнем Востоке России

30 мая 2012 г.

  1. The Completion and Handover Ceremony of a Floating Dock, two Jib Cranes and a Tug Boat which were provided to the Long-Term Storage Facility for the Reactor Compartment Units by the Committee on Cooperation to Assist the Destruction of Nuclear Weapons Reduced in the Russian Federation was held at Razboynik Bay in the Primorsky Region of the Russian Federation on May 18, 2012. The total cost of the Project was approximately 4.5 billion yen (about 56 million US Dollars). Representative of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, the Primorsky Region Administration and other dignitaries attended the Ceremony.


  1. In the Russian Far East, 73 Reactor Compartments (RCs) of Dismantled Nuclear Submarines are currently at the waterborne storage at Razboynik Bay and Kamchatka Peninsula, and these RCs are planned to be transferred onto land for their safe and stable storage. The Long-Term Storage Facility for the RCs is currently under construction by the Russian Government, and the above Floating Dock, Jib Cranes and the Tug Boat will be utilized for the operation of the Facility.


  1. At the Ceremony, the Russian representatives highly appreciated the Japanese continuous assistance providing essential equipment to the Facility despite of the difficult situations after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Japanese representative expressed his strong expectation that this Project will make a great contribution to the strengthening of nuclear security in the Russian Far East and the protection of environment in the Sea of Japan. At the same time, the hope for its eventual contribution to building a constructive relationship between Japan and Russia as an important partner in the Asian Pacific Region was also emphasized.
sakura_doc Jib Cranes sumire_tagboat
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